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Return policy, returned goods- consumer

Return of goods within 14 days free of charge.
- Please send your order number and reason for return to info@displayme.com
- You will receive return shipping instructions and a prepaid label
Return address:
DSV Solutions s.r.o.
Roman Choutka
Průmyslová 484 (hala DC3)
252 61 Jeneč 
Note returned goods Display Me: invoice no.
How to proceed when making a complaint about orders to the company:
- For more information, please contact us at the email address listed above warranty@displayme.com
How to proceed with claims and returns as an end customer:
- Fill out the claim form WARRANTY_FORM.docx  and send it to warranty@displayme.com
- A shipping label and shipping instructions will be emailed to you.
- Pack the goods carefully, including all accessories.
- Print and attach the shipping label to the package
- Take the goods to the nearest drop-off point
- Complaints will be processed within 30 days.
- We will send the settled claim back to the location of your choice. We will pay for the shipping.
All claims are sent to the following address:
Display Me s.r.o.
Vodní 534/3
Praha 5
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail at warranty@displayme.com or by phone at +420 739 940 355.

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